Foot & Full Body Ultrasonic Bubble Bath
Ice Bath/Cold Plunge (Swimwear Required)
Infrared Sauna
Fire and Ice Sessions (Hot Cold Contrast Therapy)
Foot & Full Body Ultrasonic Bubble Bath
If you belong to any of the groups below, you should visit our Studio and give our baths a try.
Are you active in Sports?
Are you among the Runners, Cyclists, Gymnasts, Dancers, Netballers, Hockey, Squash, Badminton, Tennis, Rugby and Soccer Players and other sports people with muscle soreness and require quick recovery?** - Choose Foot or Full Body Bath
Are you above 50?
Active and in search of preventive healthcare options and a way to slow down the onslaught of brain degeneration?** - Choose Foot or Full Body Bath
Are you a stroke survivor?
Who is seeking ways to regain muscle movement in parts of the body that is unresponsive?** - Choose Foot or Full Body Bath
Are you having swollen legs?
From gout, water retention caused by heart condition, diabetes - Choose Foot Bath
Are you on your feet most of the time?
Or in a line of work that requires you to be on your feet most of the time? - Choose Foot Bath
Are you looking to lose weight?
And to contour your body? - Choose Full Body Bath
Are you seeking skin treatment?
Are you suffering from skin conditions (Psoriasis, Eczema)? - Choose Full Body Bath
Are you suffering from back aches?
From slipped discs, muscle soreness, hip discomfort, stiff back - Choose Full Body Bath
Not convinced yet? Scroll down further for more information.

3 key features and 5 key benefits
of our ultrasonic hydrotherapy treatment
Like at onsens in Japan, soaking in a bath of 41 Celcius for 15 to 30 minutes
increases the activity of natural killer cells that fight viruses.
Ozone content in our water helps kill bacteria and viruses on skin too.
The 3 key features
Please click each point to expand and read further
+ 1. Negative Ions and Ozone
Ozone is an excellent disinfectant. It disinfects water 3005 times more effectively than chlorine. Ozone is a natural whitening agent and is also able to oxidize chlorine in water. An ionizer in the SG2000 Hydrotherapy Home Spa converts part of the oxygen in the air to ozone. 46 litres of ozone laden air is released per second from the SG2000 Hydrotherapy Home Spa. Negative ions are known to be the vitamins of the air and they help our bodies feel energetic. We can liken this to taking a walk along the beach, where we feel fresh and energetic. This is because we can find 5000ions/cc of negative ions in nature grounds. In an enclosed room, the amount of negative ions is 200-250ions/cc, which is why we tend to feel sleepy or tired. Tests on the SG2000 Hydrotherapy Home Spa shows negative ions production to be 1700-2000ions/cc.
Benefits of Negative Ions and Ozone: Effectively kills germs and bacteria in the water. Oxidizing property lightens skin pigmentation and promotes skin whitening. As the oxidization removes the chlorine in the water, we enjoy the SG2000 Hydrotherapy Home Spa in chlorine-free water. The abundance of negative ions help us feel fresh. The ozone emission level is within the permissible range of 0.03-0.05ppm (German FDA Standard).
+ 2. Far Infrared (FIR) Energy
A range of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum, FIR energy dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation. FIR also promotes cellular activity. As discovered by Japanese scientists, ceramic fibres naturally emit FIR energy. Ceramic fibres are infused into the Bubble Mat for FIR energy.
Benefits of FIR energy: Dilation of blood vessels improves blood circulation and is able to alleviate high blood pressure. FIR improves energy level by increasing cellular activity in the body. As we age, cells die. If we are able to maintain life in our cells, ageing can be slowed down. FIR also changes the molecular structure of water so it is better absorbed by the skin. As we use Hydrotherapy essential oils with the SG2000 Hydrotherapy Home Spa, FIR enhances the absorption of the minerals in the oils. FIR is also known to be able to reduce jaundice in babies.
+ 3. Ultrasonic Energy
Ultrasound is sound energy with a frequency range of 80,000-100,000Hz. The powerful motor in the SG2000 has the rotation ability of 22,600rpm (revolutions per minute). 46 litres of air is emitted per second, and this amount is currently the highest in the market. Via the 300 miniature holes in the Hydrotherapy mat, millions of air bubbles are produced. These air bubbles collide and rupture to produce ultrasound. Ultrasound has excellent penetration properties and the energy able is able to reach into our bodies and dissipates as heat energy when it reaches the bones. This is known as internal warming.
Benefits of Ultrasonic Energy: Boosts the immune system and metabolism as essential internal warming is generated. Increases production of blood cells as the bone marrow is warmed.
The 5 key benefits
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+ 1. Internal warming
Probably the most important benefit of the SG2000 Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy Home Spa is Internal Warming. We can liken this to what is achieved after a vigorous 30 minute exercise, when you feel heat being emitted from within the body. Internal warming increases our body temperature and boosts the immune system, metabolic rate and stimulates the creation of blood cells.
+ 2. Blood circulation (exercise effect)
A 15 minute soak with the SG2000 Hydrotherapy Home Spa is equivalent to a 3-5km slow jog in energy exchange and 200-300 calorie loss. Increased cellular activity also raises energy level, improves delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the organs, and the removal of toxins. Heavy metal toxins are removed in perspiration during the hydrospa.Good blood circulation increases metabolism. An obvious sign of bad blood circulation is cold hands and feet. People experiencing this subsequently experience numbness at the ends of the limbs. More often that not, stroke patients feel the numbness before they suffer a stroke. Because of bad blood circulation, the hands and feet receive insufficient oxygen and the cells in these areas die. This is one of the reasons why diabetic patients see their limbs start to rot first. Blood also transports toxins. Bad blood circulation means that much toxins are deposited at the feet, where the blood makes a 180 degree turn.The importance of blood circulation is evident as doctors encourage regular exercise. However, the irony is that those who need the exercise are unable to do exercise for physical reasons. The SG2000 Hydrotherapy Home Spa is suitable for people of all ages. For those who are unable to soak full body, Foot Hydrotherapy is also effective in stimulating blood circulation and cellular activity because of the numerous acupressure points on the soles of our feet.
+ 3. Full body massage
All 320 main acupressure points of your body is massaged by millions of tiny air bubbles (46 litres of air/second) at a comfortable massage pressure of 1.5kg/cm². Traditional body massages often leave bruises on the body the next day because body tissue is compressed at a too great a pressure. Lymphatic drainage is improved and internal organs are massaged as well. Chinese physicians liken the SG2000 Hydrotherapy Home Spa to a hydro-acupuncture. Even acupressure points at our private areas which physicians and masseurs cannot reach, can be massaged using the SG2000.
+ 4. Deep cleansing
Ultrasound is used industrially for cleaning purposes. With 10,000-15,000 microtremors produced per second, ultrasound is able to vibrate the dirt and grime from the deep within the pores and achieve the effects of a body scrub.
+ 5. Body contouring
46 litres or air bubbles are emitted at high speeds to massage the areas which you wish to tone. Simply relax at the right positions in the tub for a targeted body contouring and firming. SG2000 ultrasonic hydrospa is also able to remove water retention in the body. With 200-300 calories lost in energy with a 15 minute session, combined with the right diet, slimming can be achieved.

Explore Nature in your Mind
As you soak, you will also breathe the same quality of air that you inhale
while standing in the woods - the sweet, pungent zing in your nostrils -
that is the sharp, fresh scent of air laden with negative ions